Experience1 at 22/10/2021

Hosted by Test 0
Message Host


Experience Category

  • Entertainment
  • Nightlife
  • Nature & Outdoor
  • Wine
  • Sports
  • Arts & Culture
  • History
  • Music
  • Food & Drink
  • Classes & Workshops
  • Health & Wellness
  • Kids
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Adventure

About the experience

Experience Duration : 1 hrs
Detailed description:

Provide people with in-depth detail on what they’ll be doing and how you’ll host them. Is there some important or interesting information about the activity you’ll be doing or the location you’ll be exploring? What sets your experience apart from similar experiences they may also be considering? The more awesome, expert and unique you make it sound, will make them feel confident they’ll have an amazing time and persuade them to book with you!

About the host

Hi! My name’s Das, and I love sharing my passion for Indian food! In-fact, I love it so much I’ve made a career out of it. I’ve written 4 books, shared my recipes on TV with famous celebrity chefs, and been running restaurants in London for over 23 years, and now have my own chain of restaurants. I also get to express my passion by hosting my regular ‘An Evening With Das’ at my restaurant in London’s W1. This where I use my love of storytelling to share food facts and cookery skills with other lovers of Indian cuisine. So, if you’re looking for a unique experience with incredible food, be my guest!

Places we'll visit

Hi! My name’s Das, and I love sharing my passion for Indian food! In-fact, I love it so much I’ve made a career out of it. I’ve written 4 books, shared my recipes on TV with famous celebrity chefs, and been running restaurants in London for over 23 years, and now have my own chain of restaurants. I also get to express my passion by hosting my regular ‘An Evening With Das’ at my restaurant in London’s W1. This where I use my love of storytelling to share food facts and cookery skills with other lovers of Indian cuisine. So, if you’re looking for a unique experience with incredible food, be my guest!

Additional information


What the Host will provide
  • mask
What the Host requires you to bring
  • water bottle


  • Who can come Adults
  • Activity level not much
  • Skill level beginner

Private groups

Does the Host accept Private Group? : yes
Private groups minimum size : 1
Private groups maximum size : 3

Alternate Dates

If you would like to request for alternative dates not currently showing in availability, please contact the host directly via private message

Special Considerations



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