Terms of service


These Terms contain important information about your legal rights, remedies and obligations.


These Terms of Service (“Terms“) constitute a legally binding agreement (“Agreement“) between you and Let’s GoDo (as defined below) governing their access to and use of the Let’s GoDo website, including any subdomains thereof, and any other websites through which Let’s GoDo makes its services available (collectively, “Site“), our mobile, tablet and other smart device applications, and application program interfaces (collectively, the “Application“) and all associated services (collectively, the “Let’s GoDo Services“).

The Site, Application and Let’s GoDo Services together are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Let’s GoDo Platform“.

Any Policies referred to elsewhere and/or applicable to your use of the Let’s GoDo Platform are incorporated by reference into this Agreement.

When these Terms mention “Let’s GoDo,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our,” it refers to Lets GoDo Limited a company registered in England and Wales, under company registration number 10911388 and whose registered office is at Lawford House, 4 Albert Place, London, England N3 1QB.

If you change your Country of Residence, the Let’s GoDo additional Terms of Service you contract under will be determined by your new Country of Residence, from the date on which their Country of Residence changes.

Our collection and use of personal information in connection with their access to and use of the Let’s GoDo Platform is described in our Privacy Policy – you can find a copy here.

Hosts alone are responsible for identifying, understanding, and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to their Listings and Host Services.

If you have questions about how local regulation applies to you or their Listing(s) and Host Service(s) on Let’s GoDo, you should always seek legal guidance.


  1. Lets GoDo Offering and Host Services

Description of Offering

1.1 The Let’s GoDo Platform is an online marketplace that allows registered users (“Members“) to communicate with each other in order for some members and certain third parties to offer services to other Members. Members can be either:

1.1.1 Members and third parties who offer services (” Hosts “) and the services they offer are ” Host Services “. Hosts publish such Host Services on the Let’s GoDo Platform (“Listings“); and/or

1.1.2 Members that wish to book such Host Services for themselves and/or third parties (“Guests “).


Host Services

1.2 Host Services may include:

1.2.1 single or multi-day activities (” Experiences “),

1.2.2 access to unique events and locations (” Events “); and/or,

1.2.3 other travel and non-travel related services.


Let’s GoDo Exclusions

1.3 Let’s GoDo does/is not:

1.3.1 own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, offer, deliver, or supply any Listings or Host Services, nor is Let’s GoDo an organiser or retailer of travel packages under Directive (EU) 2015/2302;

1.3.2 become and is not a party to or other participant in any contractual relationship between Members;

1.3.3 a real estate broker, insurer or any other form of property service provider; and,

1.3.4 act as an agent in any capacity for any Member, except as required in order to process payments;

1.3.5 guarantee the accuracy or quality of any translations and Members are responsible for reviewing and verifying the accuracy of such translations;

1.3.6 endorse any featured listings;

1.3.7 endorse any Member, Listing or Host Services;

1.3.8 in control of and does not guarantee:

(a) the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any Listings or Host Services,

(b) the truth or accuracy of any Listing descriptions, Ratings, Reviews, or other Member Content (as defined below), or

(c) the performance or conduct of any Member or third party.


Let’s GoDo Alteration Provisions

1.4 Alteration of the Let’s GoDo Platform is subject to the following provisions:

1.4.1 Let’s GoDo reserves the sole right and discretion to modify these Terms at any time.

1.4.2 Alterations will be posted on the Let’s GoDo Platform and notice of the alterations will be sent by email at least 30 days before the date they become effective.

1.4.3 Members who do not wish to accept the altered Terms, may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect (such right to be stated in the notification email).

1.4.4 The continued access to or use of the Let’s GoDo Platform by the Member will constitute acceptance by that Member of the altered Terms.

Responsibility for Listing and Host Service content

1.5 Hosts alone are responsible for their Listings and Host Services including any and all photographs and/or videos (which may include Stock Photos) and the presence of such Listings and Host Services on the Let’s GoDo platform is not an endorsement or guarantee in relation to the relevant Listing or Host Service.

Booking Contract

1.6 When Members make or accept a booking, they are entering into a contract directly with each other and not Let’s GoDo.

Verification and Endorsement

1.7 Verification or any similar reference simply indicates that the relevant member has completed a verification or identification process and no more.

1.8 Any such description is not an endorsement, certification or guarantee by Let’s GoDo about any Member, including of the Member’s identity or background or whether the Member is trustworthy, safe or suitable.

Member Responsibility

1.9 Members are fully responsible when deciding whether to participate in an Experience or Event or use other Host Services, accept a booking request from a Guest, or communicate and interact with other Members in any form, whether online or in person.

Host Relationship with Let’s GoDo

1.10 The Host relationship with Let’s GoDo is strictly limited to being an independent third-party contractor, and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of Let’s GoDo for any reason, and the Host acts exclusively on their own behalf and for their own benefit, and not on behalf, or for the benefit, of Let’s GoDo.

1.11 Let’s GoDo does not, and shall not be deemed to, direct or control you generally or in their performance under these Terms specifically, including in connection with their provision of the Host Services. Hosts acknowledge and agree that he or she has complete discretion whether to list Host Services or otherwise engage in other business or employment activities.

Third Party Relationships

1.12 The Let’s GoDo Platform may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services“). Such Third-Party Services may be subject to different terms and conditions and privacy practices. Let’s GoDo is not responsible or liable for the availability or accuracy of such Third-Party Services, or the content, products, or services available from such Third-Party Services. Links to such Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Let’s GoDo of such Third-Party Services.


Service Interruption

1.13 Due to the nature of the Internet, Let’s GoDo cannot guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted availability and accessibility of the Let’s GoDo Platform. Let’s GoDo may restrict the availability of the Let’s GoDo Platform or certain areas or features thereof, if this is necessary in view of capacity limits, the security or integrity of our servers, or to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper or improved functioning of the Let’s GoDo Platform. Let’s GoDo may improve, enhance and modify the Let’s GoDo Platform and introduce new Let’s GoDo Services from time to time.


  1. Member Participation

Age and Capacity

2.1 In order to participate on the Let’s GoDo Platform Members must:

2.1.1 be at least 18 years old

2.1.2 able to enter into legally binding contracts; and,

2.1.3 Undertake and warrant that by accessing or using the Let’s GoDo Platform that they are 18 or older and have the legal capacity and authority to enter into a contract.

2.1.4 comply with any applicable export control laws in Members local jurisdiction.

Conditions of Use

2.2 Access to and use of the Let’s GoDo Platform, or certain areas or features of the Let’s GoDo Platform, may be made subject to certain conditions or requirements at Let’s GoDo’s sole discretion and without notice.


Member Identity

2.3 While it accepts no liability for the verification and identification of Members, Let’s GoDo may, but has no obligation to:

2.3.1 ask Members to provide a form of approved identification or other information or undertake additional checks relating to the identities or backgrounds of Members,

2.3.2 screen Members against third party databases or other sources and request reports from service providers; and

2.3.3 obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions and/or other relevant registrations in their local jurisdiction.

Geographical Access/Use

2.4 The access to or use of certain areas and features of and the use in certain geographies of, the Let’s GoDo Platform may be subject to separate policies, standards or guidelines, or may require that the Member accept additional terms and conditions. If there is a conflict between these Terms and terms and conditions applicable to a specific area or feature of the Let’s GoDo Platform, the latter terms and conditions will take precedence with respect to Member access to or use of that area or feature, unless specified otherwise.

  1. Registration and Security

3.1 Members must/shall:

3.1.1 register an account (” Lets GoDo Account“) to access and use certain features of the Let’s GoDo Platform, such as publishing or booking a Listing. In the case of a registration of an account for a company or any other distinct legal entity, the relevant Member represents and warrants that the Member has the authority to legally bind that entity;

3.1.2 provide accurate, current and complete information during the registration process and keep the Member’s Let’s GoDo Account and public Let’s GoDo Account profile page information up-to-date at all times;

3.1.3 not register more than one (1) Let’s GoDo Account without written advance consent from Let’s GoDo;

3.1.4 not assign or otherwise transfer their Let’s GoDo Account to another party;

3.1.5 accept responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their Let’s GoDo Account and access procedures (including passwords and identifying material);

3.1.6 not disclose their credentials to any third party;

3.1.7 immediately notify Let’s GoDo if they know or have any reason to suspect that their credentials have been lost, stolen, misappropriated, or otherwise compromised or in case there has been any actual, potential or suspected unauthorised use of their Let’s GoDo Account; and,

3.1.8 Accept liability for any and all activities conducted through their Let’s GoDo Account.

3.1.9 For members who are not 18 years but at least 16 years must have a signed parental authority form.


  1. Payments Process


Listing Fee

This is the fee set by the Host relevant to the listing per Clause 5.1(e) below. This includes the Host Fees referred to in Clause 4.1 below. This does not include the Guest Fees referred to in Clause 4.1 below.


Fees and Charges

4.1 Let’s GoDo may charge fees to Hosts (“Host Fees“) and/or Guests (“Guest Fees“) (collectively, “Service Fees“) in consideration for the use of the Let’s GoDo Platform. Guest fees are in addition to the listing fee.

4.2 The Services Fees are:

4.2 (a) Host Service Fees are currently 20% of the Listing Fee. The Host Service Fees are inclusive of U.K. VAT or any other indirect taxes as applicable.

4.2. (b) Guest Service Fees are currently NIL.

4.3 Let’s GoDo reserves the right to change the Service Fees (Host Fee’ and/or Guest Fee’) may change at any time, and you will be notified of the same, from time to time per clause 1.4.2.

4.4 Payment processing services for Hosts & Guests on Let’s GoDo are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the Stripe Services Agreement). By agreeing to these terms or continuing to operate as a Host and/or Guest on Let’s GoDo, you agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, as the same may be modified by Stripe from time to time. As a condition of Let’s GoDO enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide Let’s GoDo accurate and complete information about you and your business, and you authorize Let’s GoDo to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe.

4.5 The Listing Fee & the Guest Service Fees (including any applicable Tax) will be displayed to a Guest prior to booking.

Payments and Transfers

4.6 Members are responsible for paying any Service Fees (Host Fee and/or Guest Fee) that they owe to Let’s GoDo.

4.7 Let’s GoDo will collect the Listing Fee/(s) and the Guest Fee/(s) relevant to the Listing.

4.8 Let’s GoDo will deduct any Host Fees from the Listing Fee before remitting the balance of the Listing Fee to the Host.

4.9 Except as otherwise provided in these Terms & Conditions, Service Fees are non-refundable.

4.10 Payment to Hosts shall be made after the experience is completed and is subject to no communication being received regarding a Considerable issue. Refer Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A).

4.11 Refunds and Cancellations/Changes shall operate according to the Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A).

  1. Member Obligations

Listing Terms

5.1. When creating a Listing through the Let’s GoDo Platform, Hosts agree to/that:

(a) provide complete and accurate information about their Host Service (such as listing description, location, and calendar availability);

(b) disclose any deficiencies, restrictions and requirements that apply (such as any minimum age, proficiency or fitness requirements for an Experience);

(c) provide any other pertinent information requested by Let’s GoDo;

(d) maintain the continuing accuracy of their Listing information (including calendar availability);

(e) accept sole responsibility for setting the Listing Fee (including any Tax if applicable, or charges such as cleaning fees) for their Listing, which may not be changed once a Guest requests a booking of the relevant Listing (the Listing Fee);

(f) ensure that any terms and conditions included in their Listing, in particular in relation to cancellations, must not conflict with these Terms and accept that in the event of a conflict these Terms prevail;

(g) ensure that any content (image, video, text based or anything else) featured in their Listings must accurately reflect the quality and condition of their Host Services;

(h) accept that Let’s GoDo may set minimum criteria for listings (which it may alter from time to time at its sole discretion) and with which the Host will comply at all times;

(i) the presentation (including order and prominence) of Listings on the Let’s GoDo Platform, as, Let’s GoDo sees fit and according to criteria set from time to time by Let’s GoDo in its sole discretion;

(j) Let’s GoDo may offer a service providing for featured listings which allows a given listing to appear higher in the order and/or with greater prominence on the Let’s GoDo Platform as it, in its sole discretion, sees fit;

(k) when a Guest makes a booking for a Host Listing:

(i) the relevant Host is entering into a legally binding agreement with the Guest and is required to provide their Host Service(s) to the Guest as described in their Listing when the booking request is made; and,

(ii) the relevant Host also agrees to pay the applicable Host Fee, any applicable Tax and the cancellation fee charged pursuant to clause 6.4.3.

(l) obtain and maintain appropriate insurance for their Host Services. The Host shall provide a copy of the relevant insurance certificate on demand by Let’s GoDo;

(m) obtain any and all relevant permissions and comply with all regulations and laws relating to the Event or Experience being hosted. The Host shall provide Let’s GoDo with proof of compliance with this clause on demand by Let’s GoDo;

(n) ensure that only Guests who book via the Let’s GoDo Platform are permitted to attend a given specific Event or Experience;

(o) ensure that any Event or Experience intended to be not for profit ( Not For Profit Listing ) complies as follows:

(i) the relevant Member is authorised to act on behalf of the not for profit entity;

(ii) all payments relating to the Not For Profit Listing will be paid directly to the not for profit entity, without diversion;

(iii) the relevant member agrees that no commercial fund-raising, co-venturer or charitable trust relationship is created between Let’s GoDo and the not for profit entity or the relevant Member and Let’s GoDo is not a professional fund-raiser or commercial participator;

(iv) the not for profit entity is solely responsible for determining the proportion, if any, of their Not For Profit Listing Fee which is deemed charitable donation and for providing relevant Guests with any relevant charitable tax receipts.

(v) The member and the not for profit entity remain liable for compliance with any and all laws and regulations applying to the Not For Profit Listing.

(p) acquire, provide and maintain any and all equipment, supplies, venues, vehicles and other materials ( Requirements ) required to host the Experience or Event. The Host remains liable to ensure the Requirements are in good working order and complies with any and all laws, regulations or permissions relating to your Listing and the Requirements themselves. The Host assumes all risk of damage and/or loss to the Requirements.

(q) Provide the listed Experience or Event themselves and not allow any third party to do so on your behalf or to allow any third party to provide additional events, experiences or services during those booked.

(r) Not make any arrangement for the provision of any service to another Member except via the Let’s GoDo Platform.

(s) make clear in the special requirement of any parental consent forms they will need the guests to sign when they attend the experience. They will also make it clear whether the Parent needs to be present in person to sign the parental consent form or that they will accept digital copies of the same.


5.2 Subject to these Terms (and any processes required by Let’s GoDo),


5.3 All applicable fees will be presented to the Member prior to booking a Listing and if the Member wishes to proceed with a given Listing will be liable for and agrees to pay all of the applicable fees.


Binding Agreement

5.4 Subject only to the booking confirmation from Let’s GoDo, a legally binding agreement is formed between the relevant Member and their Host (further subject to any additional terms and conditions of the Host that apply, as detailed by the Host in his listing) (refer clause 5.1 (k)).

Fee Collection

5.5 Let’s GoDo Payments will collect all applicable fees at the time of the booking request or upon the Host’s confirmation pursuant to these Terms.

Other Guests

5.6 Where a Member books any service on behalf of additional guests or third parties, the relevant Member is required to procure that every additional guest and/or third party meets the same requirements and abides by these terms and any additional terms of the host as if they were the Member making the booking. Where such an additional guest is a minor, the relevant Member represents and warrants that they are legally authorised to act on behalf of the minor and minors may only participate in any Service where minors are specifically provided for by the Hosts and set out in the relevant Listing.

Member Responsibilities

5.7 Guests agree:

5.7.1 to carefully review the description of any Listing which they intend to book to ensure they (and any Other Guests they are booking for) meet any minimum age, proficiency, fitness or other requirements which the Host has specified in the Listing;

5.7.2 to inform the Host of any medical or physical conditions, or other circumstances that may impact their and any Others Guests ability to participate in any Service;

5.7.3 to abide by and comply with all local laws and respect local customs;

5.7.4 to take sole responsibility for identifying, understanding, and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to their participation in any Listing;

5.7.5 at all times to adhere to the Hosts’ instructions both before and during any Event or Experience; and,

5.7.6 not to bring any additional individuals to an Event or Experience unless such an individual was added by the relevant Member as Other Guests during the booking process on the Let’s GoDo Platform.

Guest Release and Waiver

5.8 Members agree on their behalf and on behalf of Other Guests to the Guest Release and Waiver per ANNEXURE – B

Booking Modification

5.9 Hosts and Guests are responsible for any modifications to a booking that they make (“Booking Modification“), and agree to pay any additional Fees (whether Listing Fees, Host Fees, Guest Fees, Cancellation Fees and/or Tax) or any other charges associated with such Booking Modification.

5.10 All Booking Modifications are subject to the Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A) (refer Annexure – A).

5.11 Guests remain responsible for making payment for the booking, and Hosts remain responsible for delivery of the subject matter of the booking, as modified.


5.12 Hosts are solely responsible for compliance and payment in relation to all direct & indirect taxation or levies of any sort applicable to their listing (” Tax “). The Listing Fee set by the Host should include any and all Tax.

5.13 Tax regulations may require Let’s GoDo to collect appropriate Tax information from Members, or to withhold Tax from payouts to Members, or both. Let’s GoDo reserves the right to freeze all payouts, withhold such amounts as required by law, or to do both, until resolution.

  1. Refunds and Cancellations/Changes

Guest Cancellation/Changes

6.1 Guests can cancel/change a confirmed booking pursuant to Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A), and Let’s GoDo will refund the amount of the Listing Fee due to the Guest in accordance with the Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A).

6.2 In the event of guest change/cancellation, Let’s GoDo will pay the Host any Listing Fee retained pursuant to the Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A) stated on the original Listing, subject to deduction of a proportionate Host Fee

Host Cancellation/Changes

6.3 If a Host cancels/changes a confirmed booking, the Guest will receive a full refund of the fees paid for such booking within a commercially reasonable time of the cancellation.

6.4 Let’s GoDo may:

6.4.1 at its sole discretion mark the Listing as having been cancelled/changed by the Host in any way it sees fit.

6.4.2 mark the dates for the Listing as being unavailable or blocked; and/or,

6.4.3 charge the Host Fee to the Host. Let’s GoDo will consider the Host’s stated reasons for the cancellation/change, but any decisions of Let’s GoDo in relation to this clause 6.4.3. is final and binding upon the Host. Let’s GoDo is entitled to recover the relevant sum per clause 6.4.3 from the Host whether directly or by deducting it from future payments due to the Host.


6.5 Certain Considerable issues (including Adverse weather) may impact the experience. Please refer to the Cancellation / Change/Reschedule and Considerable issue/(s) refund policy (refer Annexure – A).

  1. Ratings and Reviews

7.1 After a completed booking, Guests and Hosts may be asked to leave a public review (” Review “) and submit a star rating (” Rating “) about each other.

7.2 Reviews and/or Ratings:

7.2.1 reflect the opinions of individual Members

7.2.2 do not reflect the opinion of Let’s GoDo.

7.2.3 are not verified by Let’s GoDo for accuracy and may be incorrect or misleading.

7.2.4 Let’s GoDo excludes any and all liability in respect of such Reviews and Ratings.

7.3 Guests and Hosts agree that Reviews and Ratings which they submit shall be

7.3.1 accurate and truthful

7.3.2 may not contain any offensive or defamatory language or be intended to (or have the effect of) manipulate(ing) or coerce(ing) any person.

7.3.3 are subject to Content requirements and terms.

7.3.4 Are subject to Let’s GoDo approval before and after publication, which Let’s GoDo shall exercise at its sole discretion.

  1. Intellectual property

Legal Protections

8.1 The Let’s GoDo Platform, Let’s GoDo Content, and Member Content may in its entirety or in part be protected by copyright, trademark, and/or other laws of the United Kingdom and other countries.

8.2 All trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, and any other source identifiers used on or in connection with the Let’s GoDo Platform and Let’s GoDo Content are trademarks in the United Kingdom.

8.3 Trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names and any other proprietary designations of third parties used on or in connection with the Let’s GoDo Platform, Let’s GoDo Content, and/or Collective Content are used for identification purposes only and may be the property of their respective owners.

Member Content

8.4 Let’s GoDo may, at its sole discretion, enable Members to create, upload, post, send, receive and store content, including text, photos, audio, video, or other materials and information on or through the Let’s GoDo Platform (“Member Content“)

8.5 Members will not post, upload, publish, submit or transmit any Member Content that:

8.5.1 is fraudulent, false, misleading (directly or by omission or failure to update information) or deceptive;

8.5.2 is defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive;

8.5.3 promotes discrimination, bigotry, racism, hatred, harassment or harm against any individual or group;

8.5.4 is violent or threatening or promotes violence or actions that are threatening to any other person or animal;

8.5.5 promotes illegal or harmful activities or substances; or

8.5.6 violates any Let’s GoDo policy.

Removal and related rights of Lets GoDo

8.6 Let’s GoDo may, without prior notice, remove or disable access to any Member Content that Let’s GoDo finds to be in violation of these Terms or Let’s GoDo’s then-current Policies or Standards, or otherwise may (in Let’s GoDo’s sole opinion) be harmful or objectionable to Let’s GoDo, its Members, third parties, or property.

Let ‘s GoDo Content

8.7 Members acknowledge and agree that:

8.7.1 the Let’s GoDo Platform and any content that Let’s GoDo itself makes available on or through the Let’s GoDo Platform, including proprietary Let’s GoDo content and any content licensed or authorised for use by or through Let’s GoDo from a third party (“Lets GoDo Content“), including all associated intellectual property rights, are the exclusive property of Let’s GoDo and/or its licensors or authorising third-parties.

8.7.2 Members shall not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Let’s GoDo Platform, Let’s GoDo Content or Member Content.

8.7.3 Members will not use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Let’s GoDo Platform or Collective Content, except to the extent that a Member is the legal owner of certain Member Content or as expressly permitted in these Terms.

8.7.4 no licenses or rights are granted to Members by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by Let’s GoDo or its licensors, except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in these Terms

8.7.5 together Let’s GoDo Content and Member Content shall be known as “Collective Content“.

Grant to Members

8.8 Subject to Members compliance with these Terms, Let’s GoDo grants Members a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to:

8.8.1 download and use the Application on Member personal device(s); and

8.8.2 subject to clause 8.8.3, access and view any Collective Content made available on or through the Let’s GoDo Platform and accessible to Members, solely for their personal and non-commercial use.

8.8.3 Hosts will be permitted to make commercial use of certain material pursuant to promotional options made available from time to time on the Let’s GoDo Platform at Let’s GoDo’s sole discretion.

Grant to Let’s GoDo

8.9 By making available any Member Content on or through the Let’s GoDo Platform, Members grant to Let’s GoDo a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual (or for the term of the protection), sub-licensable and transferable license to such Member Content to access, use, store, copy, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publish, transmit, stream, broadcast, and otherwise exploit in any manner such Member Content to provide and/or promote the Let’s GoDo Platform, in any media or platform.

Verified Images

8.10 Where Let’s GoDo offers Hosts the option of having professional photographers take photographs of their Host Services, which are made available for their Listings (“Verified Images“), Members agree that:

8.10.1 Members are responsible for ensuring that their Host Service is accurately represented in the Verified Images and

8.10.2 Members will stop using the Verified Images on or through the Let’s GoDo Platform if:

(a) they no longer accurately represent their Listing,

(b) Members stop hosting the Host Service featured, or

(c) Members Let’s GoDo Account is terminated or suspended for any reason.

8.10.3 Let’s GoDo shall have the right to use any Verified Images for advertising, marketing and/or any other business purposes in any media or platform, whether in relation to a Member’s Listing or otherwise, without further notice or compensation to the relevant Member.

8.10.4 by using such Verified Images on or through the Let’s GoDo Platform, Members grant to Let’s GoDo an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual (or for the term of the protection), sub-licensable and transferable license to use such Verified Images for advertising, marketing and/or any other business purposes in any media or platform, whether in relation to their Listing or otherwise, without further notice or compensation to the Member.

8.10.5 Subject to compliance by the Member with these Terms in full and in particular clause 8.8.3, Let’s GoDo in turn grants Members a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to use Verified Images outside of the Let’s GoDo Platform solely for their personal and non-commercial use.

  1. Acceptable Use

Platform Use

9.1 Members may use our site only for lawful purposes. Members agree not to use the Let’s GoDo Platform:

9.1.1 in any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.

9.1.2 In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.

9.1.3 for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way.

9.1.4 to bully, insult, intimidate, discriminate against, harass or humiliate any person.

9.1.5 to send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with standards decided by Let’s GoDo in its sole discretion.

9.1.6 to transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).

9.1.7 to knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.

Further Prohibitions

9.2 Members also agree not to:

9.2.1 reproduce, duplicate, copy or re-sell any part of our site in contravention of the provisions of these Terms.

9.2.2 access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt:

(a) any part of our site;

(b) any equipment or network on which our site is stored;

(c) any software used in the provision of our site; or

(d) any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party.

9.2.3 use the Let’s GoDo Platform or any Content for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Terms or in a manner that falsely implies Let’s GoDo endorsement, partnership or otherwise misleads others as to their affiliation with Let’s GoDo

9.2.4 harm in any way the Let’s GoDo brand;

9.2.5 use any robots, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or processes to access, collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the Let’s GoDo Platform for any purpose;

9.2.6 avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any technological measure implemented by Let’s GoDo or any of Let’s GoDo’s providers or any other third party to protect the Let’s GoDo Platform;

9.2.7 attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Let’s GoDo Platform;

9.2.8 take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect the performance or proper functioning of the Let’s GoDo Platform;

9.2.9 violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.

No Obligation to Monitor

9.3 Let’s GoDo has no obligation to monitor the access to or use of the Let’s GoDo Platform by any Member or to take any specific action in relation to any content on the Let’s GoDo Platform, but may do so at its sole discretion.

Investigation and Action

9.4 Members shall cooperate with and assist Let’s GoDo in good faith, in any investigation undertaken by Let’s GoDo.

9.5 Members are encouraged to report any inappropriate activity first to the appropriate local authorities and then to Let’s GoDo.

9.6 Any action taken by Let’s GoDo beyond that required by the law shall be at Let’s GoDo’s sole discretion.

  1. Termination and Sanctions

Rolling Operation

10.1 This Agreement shall be effective for an initial 30-day term, at the end of which it will automatically and continuously renew for subsequent 30-day terms until such time when the Member or Let’s GoDo terminates the Agreement in accordance with this provision.


Member Termination

10.2 Members may terminate this Agreement at any time by sending us an email – gdpr@letsgodo.com, whereupon:

10.2.1 any relevant Host Listings and any confirmed booking(s) will be automatically cancelled and their Guests will receive a full refund and the Host will be liable for cancellation fee pursuant to clause 6.4.3; and,

10.2.2 any relevant confirmed Guests booking(s) will be automatically cancelled subject to the terms of the Listing’s cancellation policy.

10.2.3 the user will no longer be registered on the platform. All user data will be handled as per the Privacy Policy


Let ‘s GoDo Termination

10.3 Let’s GoDo may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving Members 30 days’ notice via email to their registered email address.

10.4 Let’s GoDo may immediately, without notice, terminate this Agreement and/or stop providing access to the Let’s GoDo Platform if:

10.4.1 A member has materially breached their obligations under these Terms, or any policies or standards,

10.4.2 A member has violated applicable laws, regulations or third party rights,

10.4.3 Let’s GoDo believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Let’s GoDo, its Members, or third parties.


Let’s GoDo Further Sanctions

10.5 Let’s GoDo may take any of the following measures at its sole discretion:

10.5.1 Display, refuse to display or modify any Listings, Ratings, Reviews, or other Member Content;

10.5.2 cancel any pending or confirmed bookings;

10.5.3 limit Member access to or use of the Let’s GoDo Platform;

10.5.4 temporarily or permanently suspend Let’s GoDo Account and/or Let’s GoDo Platform access.

10.6 In the event that Let’s GoDo acts as described in cause 10.5, we (at our sole discretion):

10.6.1 may refund their Guests in full for any and all confirmed bookings ; and

10.6.2 may refuse to pay any compensation for any bookings that were cancelled.


Future Participation Prohibited

10.7 Following termination, Members are not entitled to have their Let’s GoDo account or any Member Content restored or returned.

10.8 Members receiving sanctions under this clause are prohibited from registering a new Let’s GoDo Account or accessing/using the Let’s GoDo Platform through any other means.


Transaction Processing

10.9 Let’s GoDo reserves the right, with prior notice to Hosts, to cease processing of any transactions for any reason at its sole discretion.


  1. Disclaimers

11.1 By using the Let’s GoDo Platform or accessing Collective Content, Members agree that:

11.1.1 Members do so voluntarily and at their sole risk;

11.1.2 The Let’s GoDo Platform and Collective Content is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied;

11.1.3 Members have had ample opportunity to investigate the Let’s GoDo Services, laws, rules, or regulations that may be applicable to their Listings and/or Host Services they receive and that they are not relying upon any statement of law or fact made by Let’s GoDo relating to a Listing.

11.1.4 If Let’s GoDo undertake identity verification or background checks on any Member, we disclaim (to the extent permitted by applicable law) any and all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and specifically that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future.

11.1.5 some Host Services may carry inherent risk(s), and by participating in such services, Members choose to assume those risks voluntarily, whether those are risks of illness, bodily injury, disability, or death;

11.1.6 they freely and wilfully assume:

(a) the inherent risks by choosing to participate in those Host Services.

(b) full responsibility for the choices they make before, during and after their participation in a Host Service or any services provided by Let’s GoDo.

11.2 If Members bringing one or more minors as an additional guest, are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor throughout the duration of their Host Service and to the maximum extent permitted by law, the relevant member agrees to release and hold harmless Let’s GoDo from all liabilities and claims that arise in any way from any injury, death, loss or harm that occurs to that minor during the Host Service or in any way related to their Host Service.

11.3 The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. Members may have other statutory rights. However, the duration of statutorily required warranties, if any, shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.



Limitation of Liability

12.1 Members are responsible for making their own arrangements for insurance (including any excess loss).

12.2 Nothing in these Terms limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including liability for:

(a) death or personal injury caused by negligence;

(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

12.3 Subject to clause 12.2, Let’s GoDo’s total liability to Members shall not exceed the total amount paid by the Member to Let’s GoDo. Let’s GoDo’s total liability includes liability in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the Contract.

12.4 This Clause 12.4 sets out specific heads of excluded loss:

(a) Subject to Clause 12.2 the types of loss listed in Clause 12.4(b) are wholly excluded by the parties.

(b) The following types of loss are wholly excluded:

(i) Loss of profits

(ii) Loss of sales or business.

(iii) Loss of agreements or contracts.

(iv) Loss of anticipated savings.

(v) Loss of use or corruption of software, data or information.

(vi) Loss of or damage to goodwill.

(vii) Indirect or consequential loss.

12.5 Unless a Member notifies Let’s GoDo that it intends to make a claim in respect of an event within the notice period, Let’s GoDo shall have no liability for that event. The notice period for an event shall start on the day on which Members became, or ought reasonably to have become, aware of its having grounds to make a claim in respect of the event and shall expire 1 month from that date. The notice must be made via the Let’s GoDo Platform and must identify the event and the grounds for the claim in reasonable detail.

12.6 This Clause 12 shall survive termination of the Contract.



12.7 Members agree to release, defend (at Let’s GoDo’s option), indemnify, and hold Let’s GoDo and its affiliates and subsidiaries and their officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with:

12.7.1 their breach of these Terms or our Policies or Standards,

12.7.2 their improper use of the Let’s GoDo Platform or any Let’s GoDo Services,

12.7.3 their interaction with any Member or participation in any Host Service (including without limitation any injuries, losses or damages of any kind or

12.7.4 their breach of any laws, regulations or third party rights.


  1. Dispute Resolution

13.1 If any dispute arises in connection with the Terms which cannot be resolved between them, the Parties (subject to clause 13.2) agree to enter into mediation to settle such a dispute and will do so in accordance with the CEDR Model Mediation Procedure. To initiate the mediation a party must give notice in writing to the other parties to the dispute referring the dispute to mediation (the ADR Notice ). A copy of the referral should be sent to the CEDR. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the mediator will be nominated by the CEDR within 14 days of notice of the dispute.

13.2 Where a dispute arises solely between Members, the Parties agree that Let’s GoDo shall operate as the initial arbiter of the dispute (Lets GoDo Arbitration); if either of the members disagree with the Let’s GoDo Arbitration decision, they shall then participate in the mediation procedure described in clause 13.1

13.3 The mediation per clause 13.1 will start not later than 28 days after the date of the ADR Notice.

13.4 If the dispute is not settled by mediation within 3 months of the start of the mediation, or such further period as the parties shall agree in writing, the dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the LCIA Rules, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference herein.

13.5 The language to be used in the mediation and in the arbitration shall be English.

13.6 In any arbitration commenced pursuant to this paragraph 13:

  1. the number of arbitrators shall be one;
  2. the seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be London; and
  3. the place of the arbitration shall be London.
  4. In any arbitration between the parties, the parties shall bear their own attorneys’fees and costs incurred in enforcing this agreement through arbitration and incurred in appealing or enforcing any award or judgment entered by the arbitrator or any court having jurisdiction.
  5. Except as may be required by law, neither a party nor its representatives may disclose the existence, content or results of any arbitration or mediation commenced pursuant to this retainer without the prior written consent of both parties.

13.7 Members agree to provide Let’s GoDo with such information and take such actions as may be reasonably requested by Let’s GoDo in relation to any dispute.

13.8 Members agree to allow Let’s GoDo to make a claim under their insurance policy where Members have caused damage or loss.

13.9 This clause 13 will survive any termination of these Terms.

13.10 Members’ statutory rights remain unaffected.


  1. Law and Jurisdiction

14.1 These terms and conditions are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts of England and Wales and subject to English Law.


  1. General Terms

Nature of Relationship

15.1 No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between Members and Let’s GoDo as a result of this Agreement or their use of the Let’s GoDo Platform.


Entire Agreement

15.2 Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms and conditions, policies, guidelines or standards, these Terms constitute the entire Agreement between Let’s GoDo and Members pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Let’s GoDo and Members in relation to the access to and use of the Let’s GoDo Platform.



15.3 If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


No Third Party Rights

15.4 Unless it expressly states otherwise, this agreement does not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this agreement

15.5 The rights of the parties to rescind or vary this agreement are not subject to the consent of any other person.


No Waiver

15.6 Let’s GoDo’s failure to enforce any right or provision in these Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Terms or otherwise permitted under law.



15.7 Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications to Members permitted or required under this Agreement, will be provided electronically and given by Let’s GoDo via email.



15.8 Members may not assign, transfer or delegate this Agreement and their rights and obligations hereunder without Let’s GoDo’s prior written consent. Let’s GoDo may without restriction assign, transfer or delegate this Agreement and any rights and obligations hereunder, at its sole discretion, with 30 days prior written notice. Members’ right to terminate this Agreement at any time remains unaffected.


Guest Cancellation, Change/Rescheduling & Considerable issue/(s) refund policies


By using the Let’s GoDo platform as a Member, as either Host or Guest, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the following policies.


Cancellation policy

Let’s GoDo has a standard guest cancellation policy, applicable to all experiences:

All bookings are eligible for 100% refund if cancelled at least 7 days before the experience is scheduled to start or within 24 hours of purchase. This does not apply to bookings made less than 24 hours before the scheduled start time. Cancellations made outside of these terms are not eligible for a refund.


If you wish to cancel outside of these times, you will not receive a refund.


Change/Rescheduling policy

Let’s GoDo has a standard Guest change/rescheduling policy, applicable to all experiences:

If you wish to reschedule the date or time of an experience or change the number of guests, you can do this within 24 hours of making the booking and up to 72 hours before the experience is scheduled to start.

If you wish to reschedule or make changes outside of these times, you will not receive a refund.


Considerable issue/(s) refund policy

This policy governs the Let’s GoDo’s terms for Guest refunds and the associated host obligations in line with the policy. It applies in addition to Let’s GoDo’s Terms and Conditions and is available to Guests who book a Let’s GoDo experience and suffer a ‘’considerable issue’’.

Eligible considerable issues for Guest Refunds

The following situations are deemed as a ‘’considerable issue’’ and eligible for a refund:

Let’s GoDo shall review the details provided in the considerable issue/(s) refund requests to confirm that the experience presented a Guest with ‘’considerable issue/(s)’’. Let’s GoDo will at its discretion, provide a 100% refund to the Guest.


Host Responsibilities: Experience Quality Standards & Guest Refunds

Let’s GoDo Hosts are responsible for ensuring that any experience they list on the Let’s GoDo Platform does not result in ‘’Considerable issue/(s)’’ faced by their Guests.

Before and throughout an experience, the Host should be available, or make a representative available to resolve any Guest issues that do arise.

Should Let’s GoDo confirm that a ‘’Considerable issue/(s)’’ has been suffered by a Guest participating in an experience, and therefore refunds that Guest (up to the amount of their total booking fee), the Host agree to reimburse Let’s GoDo the full amount of the Guest refund within 30 days of Let’s GoDo’s request. The Host additionally authorises Let’s GoDo to collect any such amounts owed by reducing their total payout.

Let’s GoDo Hosts understand and agree to the rights of Guests associated with this Considerable issue/(s) Refund Policy, and that it overrides the Let’s GoDo Cancellation / Change/Reschedule Policy.

Hosts are entitled to dispute any ‘’Considerable issue/(s)’’ described by Guests. Where so, Hosts must notify Let’s GoDo and provide information and details (such as photographs or other evidence) to support such a dispute. Let’s GoDo trust that Hosts made full efforts to rectify any ‘’Considerable issue/(s)’’ prior to submitting a dispute for any refund claims made by their Guests.


General Provisions

All determinations of Let’s GoDo with respect to the Considerable issue/(s) Refund Policy shall be at Let’s GoDo’s discretion, and final and binding on the Guests and Hosts.

Let’s GoDo reserves the right to modify or terminate this Considerable issue/(s)Guest Refund Policy, at any time, at its sole discretion. If Let’s GoDo modifies this Considerable issue/(s)Guest Refund Policy, we will post the modification on the Let’s GoDo Platform or provide you with notice of the modification. Let’s GoDo will continue to process all claims for a ‘’Considerable issue/(s)’’ made prior to the effective date of the modification.



Guest Release and Waiver

In order to participate in an Experience, your Host(s) require(s) you to accept this Guest Release and Waiver, which is effective between you and your Host(s) as of the date when you first book or participate in an Experience, whichever happens first. All terms not defined here have the meaning given them in the Let’s GoDo Terms and Conditions.

You represent that you are 18 years of age or older. If you are bringing a minor as a Guest, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor throughout the duration of your Experience, and have read this Guest Release and Waiver and agree to it on the minor’s behalf. If you are booking an Experience on behalf of other Guests, you will ensure, and you represent and warrant, that each Guest on whose behalf you book has read and agreed to this Guest Release and Waiver, which shall apply to each of them as if the reference to “you” was a reference to him/her.


Assumption of Risks

You understand and acknowledge that the Experience(s) you sign up to do may be hazardous and may carry the risk of injury or illness, including sickness, physical injury, property damage, disability, permanent paralysis, and death.



Release and Waiver

You acknowledge and agree that:


If you reside in California, you expressly waive the protection of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code (“Section 1542”), which provides: A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS/HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM/HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS/HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR. You understand and agree that claims or facts in addition to or different from those which are now known or believed by you to exist may hereafter be discovered.

You intend this Guest Release and Waiver to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. You agree that if any portion of this Waiver and Release is held to be invalid, the balance notwithstanding shall continue in full force and effect.


Disclaimer of Warranties




You agree that if, despite this Guest Release and Waiver, you or anyone on your behalf make a claim against the Host(s) relating to an Experience and/or Trip, you will indemnify and hold the Host(s) harmless from any liability, demand, loss, damage, or costs which the Host(s) may incur as the result of such claim.